Human Code of Hiring: DNA of Recruitment Marketing
Compensation + Culture + Technology + Values x The Human Code = Top Talent
With a full employment economy, industries are experienced the Most Challenging recruiting environment most have ever worked in. The competition is fierce for top talent.
Now the workforce is setting the expectation of the modern work place. And these new social expectations of the modern work force are a result of how people have changed the way they value their job.
People have options now… technology has opened up endless ways to make a living and you do not even need a traditional job any more. Add to that there are more traditional jobs than people available to fill those jobs. In addition to a booming economy… that is inspiring the entrepreneur spirit in people. These market conditions have created what they call a perfect storm… In a new economy like this, how do you recruit and retain top talent?
In his upcoming book Human Code of Hiring: DNA of Recruitment Marketing, veteran recruitment strategist Jack Whatley explains a proven strategy todays companies can use to attract the best people while enhancing their employer brand, simply by employing the DNA of hiring system.
In his book, Jack will give business leaders and HR execs and people opts teams everywhere the tools and timeless strategies not the flavor of the week that they need to compete for top talent and stay competitive in a time of enormous transition.